When you want to travel, you often need to prepare. Whether by packing your bags or looking up maps or anything similar, one always prepares for travel. Traveling by car, bur or plane usually has the same routine, except maybe the weight limit for the plane cargo.
Traveling by bicycle is a bit different, mostly because you do not only need to worry about the bicycle, but also the weight you carry. Yet, luggage and technicalities regarding the bicycles are somewhat mandatory. What you can do to prepare yourself for your next bicycle trip even better is to consider these essential applications.
Strava – The Cyclist’s Maps

Strava is an amazing application which can be used to find new routes which you can explore. This can be a great way of preparing for a new trip, by getting the idea from someone else’s trip.
You can also try and beat their time and get your own personal record on that route. Strava is great at pointing out the routes and time of other cyclists. It is a good starting point to get new ideas.
Google Maps – Maps of Everything
Strava will give you ideas about where you can go, but Google Maps tend to be updated more frequently and have some routes which you are unlikely to find elsewhere. You can import the route into Google Maps and even download a portion of the map to use it offline, when you cannot access the internet (in case you are in a different country, for example). Google Maps are available for all systems so you can be sure of the support.
Trailforks – Maps for Mountain Bikers

Mountain bikers often go by routes which regular map applications do not bother indexing. This is why one should consider Trailforks, an application which uses topographic maps to help you navigate off road terrain, is a perfect way to make sure that your mountain biking trip goes as planned.
The app has an emergency button, which sends your exact coordinates as well as the name of the nearest route, so that you can be found in case things go awry.
A Weather Forecast Application of Choice
Knowing the weather prior to going on a trip is essential for that trip to be comfortable. If it is going to rain or snow or even be extremely hot, you will want to know. Download an application which is accurate, or rather, one which is updated on a regular basis from the country’s meteorologists, or rather, their data about the weather.
Cyclometer – A Computer for Your Bicycle

This application can do a lot, from measuring your cadence to anything else from mapping your route to even being a great companion by playing encouraging messages. Sometimes, all we need is that extra nudge and with this app installed, you can be sure that someone will be cheering you on.
These are the best cycling applications, or rather, apps in general that one can use to plan for their next cycling trip.